



Type 1 Diabetes; Children and Adolescents; Treatment,


This article aims to present the importance andimpact of adherence to treatment for Type 1Diabetes in children and adolescents, which can bevery challenging for the individuals themselves andalso for those around them, as it involves a radical change in habits and routines. This is because Type1 Diabetes is an autoimmune disease characterizedby the loss of beta pancreatic cells, resulting in a lack of insulin production. The phases ofadolescence and childhood are marked by variousphysical and mental transformations, and dealingwith a disease of this magnitude can lead toemotional issues that hinder adaptation to this new way of life. The key new habits in the lives of theseindividuals include insulin therapy, daily monitoringof blood glucose levels, and dietary changes. For everything to be possible, the patient and theircaregivers must adhere to the recommended therapyfor it to be effective. Family members are initiallyexposed to an intimidating and unfamiliarenvironment, and gradually, they learn about thesignificant danger posed by the disease. In thissituation, understanding the disease is crucial, as it serves as a tool for treatment adherence.


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How to Cite

Leonardo, I., & Quintans , V. . (2023). O IMPACTO NA ADESÃO AO TRATAMENTO DA DIABETES MELLITUS TIPO 1 EM CRIANÇAS E ADOLESCENTES. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.61164/rmnm.v13i1.1972