An analysis that goes beyond theory


  • Levi Sousa Jardim Faculdade Alfa Unipac de Almenara/MG
  • Marcos Ferreira da Cunha Bertoldo Faculdade Alfa Unipac de Almenara/MG
  • Fernando Henrique Rodrigues Varella Faculdade Alfa Unipac de Almenara/MG
  • Rafaela Pinto Tofaneli Faculdade Alfa Unipac de Almenara/MG
  • Bruna Ramos Ferraz Silva Faculdade Alfa Unipac de Almenara/MG



Rape; Imprescriptibility; Criminal prescription; Legal security; Victimology; Literature review; Deductive method.


The objective of this article is to investigate the feasibility of making the crime of rape imprescriptible in the Brazilian legal context. This study will address the dilemma between the need to apply criminal law and protect the rights of suspects. To achieve this purpose, the concepts of criminal prescription and imprescriptibility will be explored, as well as the characteristics of the crime of rape. Furthermore, the article will explore the consequences of not recognizing the statute of limitations in the crime of rape, emphasizing the impact on justice and society as a whole. Cases of impunity due to prescription will be discussed, highlighting the need for effective actions to combat this problem. To support the discussion, practical examples will be provided of situations in which the statute of limitations caused impunity in rape crimes, demonstrating the failures of the Brazilian legal system in dealing with such a serious crime. The article will also consider the psychological perspective of victims and the contributions of victimology in this context. The research will be based on a literature review and will follow a deductive approach. The justification for choosing the topic is due to the need to understand the reasons why Brazilian legislation has proven to be incoherent on certain topics. Regarding the methodology, the study consists of basic research of a qualitative nature and based on the exploratory approach method. As for the research technique, a bibliographic review was used.


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How to Cite

Sousa Jardim, L., Ferreira da Cunha Bertoldo, M. ., Rodrigues Varella, F. H., Pinto Tofaneli , R., & Bruna Ramos Ferraz Silva. (2023). IMPRESCRITIBILITY OF THE CRIME OF RAPE : An analysis that goes beyond theory. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 12(1).