
  • Emerson Barrack Cavalcanti ALFAUNIPAC
  • Gustavo Batista Lopes de Oliveira AlfaUnipac
  • Naila Cristine da Silva Barbosa AlfaUnipac
  • Raylene Soares Vieira Soares Vieira AlfaUnipac



The present work seeks to examine the legal responsibility of the dental surgeon in the context of dental practice, exploring the interface between law and dentistry. The practice of dentistry involves a series of legal and ethical issues that affect both professionals and patients. The dentist's civil liability in cases of negligence or professional error will be discussed. Aspects such as the duty of care, the obligation to adequately inform the patient about the risks and benefits of procedures, as well as the need to keep accurate and updated records will be addressed. We will also analyze the relevant case law in order to understand the criteria used by courts when evaluating professional liability cases in dentistry. The legislation that regulates the dental profession and patients' rights will be explored. Topics such as the illegal practice of dentistry, the responsibility of the dentist in relation to the materials and equipment used, as well as the protection of patient data, in accordance with privacy and confidentiality laws, will be discussed. By exploring these themes, this article aims to contribute to the understanding of the legal implications of dental practice and promote reflection on the rights and duties of dental professionals and patients. The analysis of these aspects will allow a more comprehensive and informed approach to the issues that permeate the interface between law and dentistry, aiming to guarantee ethical, responsible and legally defensible dental practice.

Author Biographies

Gustavo Batista Lopes de Oliveira, AlfaUnipac

Graduando em Odontologia - Universidade Presidente Antônio Carlos de Teófilo Otoni - UNIPAC. 02/2023 Brasil

Naila Cristine da Silva Barbosa , AlfaUnipac

Graduanda em Odontologia - Universidade Presidente Antônio Carlos de Teófilo Otoni - UNIPAC. 02/2023 Brasil

Raylene Soares Vieira Soares Vieira , AlfaUnipac

Graduanda em Odontologia - Universidade Presidente Antônio Carlos de Teófilo Otoni - UNIPAC. 02/2023 Brasil.


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How to Cite

Barrack Cavalcanti, E., Batista Lopes de Oliveira, G. . ., da Silva Barbosa , N. C., & Soares Vieira , R. S. V. . (2023). RESPONSABILIDADE LEGAL DO CIRURGIÃO-DENTISTA: EXPLORANDO A INTERFACE ENTRE DIREITO E ODONTOLOGIA. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 12(1).