Job Market; Artificial Intelligence; Technological Unemployment; Worker Valorization; Harmonious Coexistence.Abstract
Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the world of work, bringing promises of efficiency, automation, and advanced analytics, but also intricate challenges. Automation amplifies the replacement of labor functions, sparking concerns about technological unemployment and the urgent need for professional requalification to adapt to new market demands. These transformations can impact professional stability and raise concerns about equity and labor protection. Thus, this scientific article seeks to discuss the potential impacts of artificial intelligence on the world of work and, above all, on the lives of workers. To do so, it is essential to investigate the historical evolution of the concept of work, understand artificial intelligence, list the impacts of artificial intelligence on the future of the job market, and discuss strategies for the protection and valorization of the worker in the context of these transformations. The justification for this study lies in the pressing need to understand the impact of AI on the world of work, anticipate challenges, and propose strategies that enable harmonious coexistence between technological innovation and labor protection. Regarding the applied methodology, the proposed study consists of basic research with a qualitative nature. As for the adopted approach, the study is linked to the descriptive method. On the other hand, concerning the research technique used for data collection and analysis, a bibliographic review was conducted. Finally, it was possible to conclude that it is crucial to seek a balance between technological advancement and labor protection, prioritizing the requalification of workers, the creation of inclusive policies, and the appropriate regulation of this technological tool, and furthermore, the implementation of a universal basic income in certain cases.
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