
  • Fagner Araújo Unifavip WYDEN
  • Newelly Amorim UNIFAVIP WYDEN



Amburana cearensis; Cumarinas; Medicinal Plants; Therapeutic Treatment.


The aim of this study was to analyze the wide variety of attributes present in coumarin, an abundant plant in the region. Amburana cearensis, popularly known as cumaru or imburana-de-cheiro, is a tree of economic importance, typical of the North and Northeast regions, where it is used in various areas, with relevance to therapeutic treatment and for various pharmaceutical purposes. Coumarins have been studied since the 19th century and have been shown to interact with, prevent and treat diseases. The bark and seeds of the Cumaru tree have been used in folk medicine and are attributed therapeutic properties such as: anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, emmenagogue, and are mainly used for respiratory tract ailments including coughs and as an expectorant. The possible toxic effects of Amburana cearenses are noteworthy: the toxic activity can be small, but it can also be highly toxic, which is why it needs to be used with as much caution as possible, analyzing the necessary dose, and the effects can even be cumulative or even unsuitable for consumption.  With this in mind, this study aims to expose the chemical and pharmacological aspects of Amburana cearensis, since it has significant health properties, and research related to this plant is very important, so that its benefits as a herbal medicine are more widespread. This study is a literature review based on articles selected from electronic health databases and journals, using the following descriptors: Amburana cearensis, Cumaru, Fabaceae, medicinal plants. The electronic search was based on studies published without date restriction. After a broad selection, the articles were systematically read and analyzed in order to accurately expose the objective of the study.


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How to Cite

Araújo, F., & Amorim, N. . (2023). THERAPEUTIC ACTIVITY OF AMBURANA CEARENSIS. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 12(1).