
  • Geisa do Nascimento Frota Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú
  • Francisco Gustavo Moreira Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú
  • Aldecira Gadelha Diogenes Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú


Palabras clave:

Resíduo, Concreto Emborrachado, Agregados, Propriedades


Este trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um estudo prospectivo sobre o concreto emborrachado utilizando resíduos de borracha de pneus na substituição parcial dos agregados miúdo e/ou graúdo. O presente estudo foi realizado através de uma revisão de literatura em artigos e patentes divulgados até dezembro de 2023. A busca por artigos foi efetuada nas plataformas Scopus, Web of Science e Scielo e por patentes no Instituto Nacional de Propriedade Industrial (INPI) do Brasil, Patentes Públicas da América Latina e Espanha (LATIPAT), Espacenet e Patentscope. As palavras-chave utilizadas na pesquisa foram: concrete, tire, rubber, waste and rubberised concrete, e, também, as suas traduções em português. A partir dos resultados obtidos nas bases de artigos científicos e patentes, foi realizada uma análise minuciosa dos documentos pertinentes ao tema proposto e resultou em 52 artigos e nenhuma patente. De acordo com os artigos encontrados, a aplicação da borracha de pneus não mostra resultados promissores nas propriedades mecânicas, físicas e reológicas do concreto emborrachado, mas a utilização deste resíduo é uma tentativa para colaborar com a sustentabilidade ambiental.


ALSAIF, A; BERNAL, S. A; GUADAGNINI, M; PILAKOUTAS, K. Durability of steel fibre reinforced rubberised concrete exposed to chlorides, Construction and Building Materials, v. 188, pp. 130-142, Nov. 2018b.

ALSAIF, A; BERNAL, S. A; GUADAGNINI, M; PILAKOUTAS, K. Freeze-thaw resistance of steel fibre reinforced rubberised concrete, Construction and Building Materials, v. 195, pp. 450-458, Jan. 2019a.

ALSAIF, A; GARCIA, R; FIGUEIREDO, F. P; NEOCLEOUS, K; CHRISTOFE, A; GUADAGNINI, M; PILAKOUTAS, K. Fatigue performance of flexible steel fibre reinforced rubberised concrete pavements, Engineering Structures, v. 193, pp. 170-183, Aug. 2019b.

ALSAIF, A; KOUTAS, L; BERNAL, S. A; GUADAGNINI, M; PILAKOUTAS, K. Mechanical performance of steel fibre reinforced rubberised concrete for flexible concrete pavements, Construction and Building Materials, v. 172, pp. 533-543, May. 2018a.

ALSHAIKH, I. M. H; BAKAR, B. H. A; ALWESABI, E. A. H; AKIL, H. M. Progressive collapse of reinforced rubberised concrete: Experimental study, Construction and Building Materials, v. 226, pp. 307-316, Nov. 2019.

ASLANI, F; MA, G; WAN, D. L. Y; LE, V. X. T. Experimental investigation into rubber granules and their effects on the fresh and hardened properties of self-compacting concrete, Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 172, pp. 1835-1847, Jan. 2018.

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BOMPA, D. V; ELGHAZOULI, A. Y. Creep properties of recycled tyre rubber concrete, Construction and Building Materials, v. 209, pp. 126-134, Jun. 2019.

BOMPA, D. V; ELGHAZOULI, A. Y. Stress-strain response and practical design expressions for FRP-confined recycled tyre rubber concrete, Construction and Building Materials, v. 237, pp. 117633, Mar. 2020.

BOMPA, D. V; ELGHAZOULLI, A. Y. Bond-slip response of deformed bars in rubberised concrete, Construction and Building Materials, v. 154, pp. 884-898, Nov. 2017.

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DONG, M; ELCHALAKANI, M; KARRECH, A; FAWZIA, S; ALI, M. S. M; YANG, B; XU, S. Q. Circular steel tubes filled with rubberised concrete under combined loading, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 162, pp. 105613, Nov. 2019a.

DONG, M; ELCHALAKANI, M; KARRECH, A; HASSANEIN, M. F; XIE, T; YANG, B. Behaviour and design of rubberised concrete filled steel tubes under combined loading conditions, Thin-Walled Structures, v. 139, pp. 24-38, Jun. 2019b.

DONGA, P. D; SHAH, D; BHAVSAR, J. K. Impact Resistance of Waste Rubber Fiber Silica Fume Concrete, Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology, v. 3, n. 4, pp. 274-279, Jan-Mar. 2016.

DUARTE, A. P. C; SILVA, B. A; SILVESTRE, N; BRITO, J; JÚLIO, E; CASTRO, J. M. Tests and design of short steel tubes filled with rubberised concrete, Engineering Structures, v. 112, pp. 274-286, Apr. 2016.

ELCHALAKANI, M; HASSANEIN, M. F; KARRECH, A; FAWZIA, S; YANG, B; PATEL, V. I. Experimental testes and design of rubberised concrete-filled double skin circular tubular short columns, Structures, v. 15, pp. 196-210, Aug. 2018b.

ELCHALAKANI, M; HASSANEIN, M. F; KARRECH, A; YANG, B. Experimental investigation of rubberised concrete-filled double skin square tubular columns under axial compression, Engineering Structures, v. 171, pp. 730-746, Sep. 2018a.

ELGHAZOULI, A. Y; BOMPA, D. V; XU, B; TERAN, A. M. R; STAFFORD, P. J. Performance of rubberised reinforced concrete members under cyclic loading, Engineering Structures, v. 166, pp. 526-545, Jul. 2018.

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GUPTA, T; PATEL, K. A; SIDDIQUE, S; SHARMA, R. K; CHAUDHARY, S. Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Rubberised Concrete Exposed to Elevated Temperature Using ANN, Measurement, v. 147, pp. 106870, Dec. 2019.

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HALL, M. R; NAJIM, K. B; HOPFE, C. J. Transient thermal behaviour of crumb rubber-modified concrete and implications for thermal response and energy efficiency in buildings, Applied Thermal Engineering, v. 33-34, pp. 77-85, Feb. 2012.

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MOHAMMADI, I; KHABBAZ, H; VESSALAS, K. Enhancing mechanical performance of rubberised concrete pavements with sodium hydroxide treatment, Materials and Structures, v. 49, pp. 813-827, 2016.

MOHAMMADI, I; KHABBAZ, H; VESSALAS, K. In-depth assessment of Crumb Rubber Concrete (CRC) prepared by water-soaking treatment method for rigid pavements, Construction and Building Materials, v. 71, pp. 456-471, Nov. 2014.

MUJDECI, A; BOMPA, D. V; ELGHAZOULI, A. Y. Confinement effects for rubberised concrete in tubular steel cross-sections under combined loading, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, v. 21, n. 2, pp. 1-20, 2021.

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PCZIECZEK, A; EFFTING, C; GOMES, I. R; SCHACKOW, A; HENNING, E. Análise estatística de propriedades mecânicas de argamassas com cinza volante e resíduo de borracha de pneus, IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais, São Paulo, v. 12, n. 4, pp. 790– 811, Aug. 2019.

PEREIRA, R. R; PAULA, H. M; BONFIM, W. B; SILVA, I. A. C; PINTO, H. S. D. Reciclagem de borracha de pneu e resíduo de concreteira na produção de tijolos de concreto: dosagem e otimização, Revista Matéria, Rio de Janeiro, v. 26, n. 3, Jan. 2021.

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RAFFOUL, S; GARCIA, R; MARGARIT, D. E; GUADAGNINI, M; HAJIRASOULIHA, I; PILAKOUTAS, K. Behaviour of unconfined and FRP-confined rubberised concrete in axial compression, Construction and Building Materials, v. 147, pp. 388-397, Aug. 2017.

RAFFOUL, S; GARCIA, R; PILAKOUTAS, K; GUADAGNINI, M; MEDINA, N. F. Optimisation of rubberised concrete with high rubber content: An experimental investigation, Construction and Building Materials, v. 124, pp. 391-404, Oct. 2016.

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SILVA, A. S; NACIF, G. C. L; PANZERA, T. H2; CHRISTOFORO, A. L; BATISTA, F. B; MANO, V. Incorporação de resíduos de borracha em compósitos de matriz polimérica termorrígida, Revista Matéria, Rio de Janeiro, v. 17, n.4, pp. 1158-1165, Mar. 2012.

SILVA, F. M; VAZ, V. V; BARBOSA, L. A. G; LINTZ, R. C. C. Avaliação da resistência mecânica de pisos intertravados de concreto sustentáveis (PICS), Revista Matéria, Rio de Janeiro, v. 22, n. 1, Jun. 2017a.

SILVA, T. D; PAULA, H. M; SILVA, D; CARVALHO, I. M; FONTE, J. T; PEREIRA, R. R. Uso de granulado de borracha em substituição parcial ao agregado miúdo na produção de tijolos ecológicos, Revista Matéria, Rio de Janeiro, v. 22, n. 4, Oct. 2017b.

SILVA, L. S; MOUTA, J. R; COSTA, M. C. B; GOMES, L. G. Concreto com borracha de recauchutagem de pneu para uso em pavimentação de baixo tráfego, Revista Matéria, Rio de Janeiro, v. 24, n. 2, Jun. 2019.

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SINKHONDE, D; ONCHIRI, R. O; OYAWA, W. O; MWERO, J. N. Response surface methodology-based optimisation of cost and compressive strength of rubberised concrete incorporating burnt clay brick powder, Heliyon, v. 7, n. 12, pp. e08565, Dec. 2021a.

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VALIZADEH, A; HAMIDI, F; ASLANI, F; SHAIKH, F. U. A. The effect of specimen geometry on the compressive and tensile strengths of self-compacting rubberised concrete containing waste rubber granules, Structures, v. 27, pp. 1646-1659, Oct. 2020.

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WANG, Z; HAJIRASOULIHA, I; GUADAGNINI, M; PILAKOUTAS, K. Axial behaviour of FRP-confined rubberised concrete: An experimental investigation, Construction and Building Materials, v. 267, pp. 121023, Jan. 2021.

WANG, Z; HU, H; HAJIRASOULIHA, I; GUADAGNINI, M; PILAKOUTAS, K. Tensile stress-strain characteristics of rubberised concrete from flexural tests, Construction and Building Materials, v. 236, pp. 117591, Mar. 2020.

WERDINE, D; OLIVER, G. A; ALMEIDA, F. A; NORONHA, M. L; GOMES, G. F. Analysis of the properties of the self-compacting concrete mixed with tire rubber waste based on design of experiments, Structures, v. 33, pp. 3461–3474, Oct. 2021.

XU, B; BOMPA, D. V; ELGHAZOULI, A. Y; TERAN, A. M. R; STAFFORD, P. J. Behaviour of rubberised concrete members in asymmetric shear tests, Construction and Building Materials, v. 159, pp. 361-375, Jan. 2018.

XU, B; BOMPA, D. V; ELGHAZOULI, A.Y. Cyclic stress-strain rate-dependent response of rubberised concrete, Construction and Building Materials, v. 254, pp. 119253, Sep. 2020.

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YOUSSF, O; HASSANLI, R; MILLS, J. E; SKINNER, W; MA, X; ZHUGE, Y; ROYCHAND, R; GRAVINA, R. Influence of Mixing Procedures, Rubber Treatment, and Fibre Additives on Rubcrete Performance, Journal of Composites Science, v. 3, 2019.

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Cómo citar

do Nascimento Frota, G., Moreira, F. G., & Gadelha Diogenes, A. (2024). USO DE RESÍDUOS DE BORRACHA DE PNEUS PARA PRODUÇÃO DE CONCRETO EMBORRACHADO: UMA REVISÃO. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 9(1).

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