
  • Simone Gil Ferreira Faculdade Presidente Antônio Carlos de Teófilo Otoni – MG
  • Ediene Sabrina de Oliveira Sousa Faculdade Presidente Antônio Carlos de Teófilo Otoni – MG
  • Jenniffer Silva Antunes Faculdade Presidente Antônio Carlos de Teófilo Otoni – MG
  • Cristiane Xavier Figueiredo Faculdade Presidente Antônio Carlos de Teófilo Otoni - AlfaUnipac




Propriedade Intelectual; Patentes; Inovação; Desenvolvimento Tecnológico


This paper aims to analyze the patent system in Brazil, highlighting the challenges faced by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) in granting patents and their impact on technological development and innovation in the country. The central problem addressed is the delay in granting patents and the accumulation of pending applications (backlog), which generates legal uncertainty and discourages investment in research and development. The methodology employed includes a bibliographic and documentary review of articles, laws and institutional reports on the Brazilian patent system, seeking to identify the factors that limit the effectiveness of the INPI and possible solutions for improvement. The expected results of the study are a deeper understanding of the challenges and limitations of the patent system in Brazil, as well as the outlining of proposals that can contribute to the modernization of the INPI and the promotion of a more favorable innovation environment. It is expected that this work will provide support for the formulation of public policies aimed at the efficiency and legal security of the intellectual property system, strengthening the role of patents as an essential instrument for Brazil's economic growth and international competitiveness.



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How to Cite

Gil Ferreira , S. ., de Oliveira Sousa , E. S. ., Silva Antunes, J. ., & Xavier Figueiredo , C. . (2025). DA PROPRIEDADE INTELECTUAL A PARTIR DO USO DAS PATENTES NO BRASIL. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 2(01), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.61164/rmnm.v2i01.3478