


Soil management, Fertility, Acidity correctives, Agricultural sustainability


Soil is an essential resource for agricultural production and fundamental ecological functions. However, inadequate management practices and input use have accelerated its degradation, especially in tropical regions. This article seeks to answer the following questions: What are the main advances in scientific research on soil management and fertility? How have fertilizer composition and the application of acidity correctives been addressed in the literature? Thus, the objective is to investigate the scientific production on the key aspects of soil use, management, and fertility, as well as fertilizer composition and the application of acidity correctives. The methodology adopted was a literature review, considering studies discussing the impact of practices such as liming, gypsum application, and the use of mineral and organic fertilizers. The results demonstrate that the application of acidity correctives, such as limestone and gypsum, improves soil structure, neutralizes acidity, and reduces the presence of toxic elements. Organic fertilizers, on the other hand, enhance water retention, improve microbial activity, and contribute to the sustainability of agricultural systems. It is concluded that technological advancements and traditional practices must be integrated to promote sustainable soil fertility. The need for technical training for farmers and public policies that encourage practices adapted to local conditions is highlighted. Future research should adopt interdisciplinary approaches, exploring the technical, social, and economic aspects of soil conservation.

Author Biographies

Wemerson Leonardo Cruz da Silva, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Maranhão – IFMA Campus Codó

Undergraduate student in Agricultural Sciences Education at IFMA Campus Codó. He is a researcher in the Interdisciplinary Research Group on Education, Health, and Environment (GPIESMA), registered with the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and coordinated by Professor Dr. Kessia Rosaria de Sousa. Currently, he is a research fellow at IFMA, participating in the project "Analysis of Strategies and Techniques Used by Farmers in the Practice of Controlled Burning in Two Rural Communities of Codó-MA," under the PIBIC program. He previously conducted the research "Characterization of Soil Management Practices and Fertility by Farmers in the Municipality of Timbiras-MA" through the PIVIC program, in addition to collaborating on scientific initiation projects focused on phytopathology and studies on the dropout rates of teacher education students. He has experience in extension activities, with an emphasis on environmental education, highlighting the implementation of school gardens in municipal institutions in Codó-MA and gardens for the cultivation of medicinal and culinary herbs. He was a scholarship holder in the academic mentoring program for the General Zoology course (2023.2) and a volunteer mentor for the Educational Policy and Organization of Basic Education course (2024.1).

Lourenço Oliveira dos Santos, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Maranhão, Codó, Maranhão, Brasil

Undergraduate student in Agricultural Science Teaching at the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Maranhão (IFMA) - Codó Campus (MA), this individual serves as the president of the Academic Center for the Agricultural Science Teaching program (CALICA). They are distinguished by their active involvement in extension projects focused on environmental education, leading the implementation of school gardens in municipal institutions in Codó and promoting environmental awareness. Additionally, they contribute to another extension project aimed at creating medicinal and culinary herb gardens on the IFMA Codó campus, enriching local agricultural practices. Furthermore, they participate in an extension project dedicated to the ongoing training of Mozambican educators in the field of agricultural sciences. As a researcher in the Institutional Voluntary Scientific Research Program, they focus on investigating soil management and fertility practices adopted by farmers in Timbiras, MA.

Kessia Rosaria de Sousa , Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Maranhão, Codó, Maranhão, Brasil

Postdoctoral Fellow in Cultural Studies at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul. Holds a Bachelor's degree in Geography Education from the State University of Maranhão (2011) and a Bachelor's degree in History from the Federal University of Maranhão (2011). Completed a specialization in Youth and Adult Education (2014), a specialization in Health Management at the State University of Maranhão (2016), and a specialization in Human Sciences and the World of Work (2022). Holds a Master's degree in Socioeconomic Development from the Federal University of Maranhão (2015) and a Ph.D. in Social Sciences from the Federal University of Maranhão (2020). Leader of the CNPq Research Group, "Interdisciplinary Research Group on Education, Society, and Environment." Currently, she is a professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Maranhão, Campus Codó. She has experience in the fields of History, Economics, Geography, Anthropology, and Social Sciences, with a focus on studies of non-timber forest products, artisanal production, health geography, literature, and cultural practices.


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How to Cite

Cruz da Silva, W. L., Oliveira dos Santos, L., & Rosaria de Sousa , K. (2025). SOIL MANAGEMENT AND FERTILITY: ADDRESSING THE ISSUE THROUGH A LITERATURE REVIEW. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 2(01), 1–17.

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