
  • Andressa Alves Ribeiro Universidade de Gurupi
  • Rodrigo Coelho e Silva Universidade de Gurupi




Infraestrutura verde, pavimentos permeáveis, telhados verdes, gestão hídrica, urbanização.


Disorderly urban growth and climate change have intensified the vulnerability of Brazilian cities to flooding, mainly due to soil impermeabilization and the insufficiency of traditional drainage systems. These conventional systems, based on gray infrastructures such as underground galleries and drainage channels, prove to be inadequate to deal with extreme weather events, resulting in flooding and other environmental problems. In response to these challenges, alternative urban drainage technologies, such as sustainable drainage systems, offer a more effective and environmentally responsible approach to stormwater control. Solutions such as permeable pavements, green roofs, rain gardens, and detention basins promote water infiltration and storage, helping to mitigate the effects of heavy rainfall, improve water quality, and contribute to the sustainability of urban environments. However, the implementation of these technologies faces economic, technical, and institutional challenges, including high upfront costs, lack of specialized knowledge, and resistance from public managers. For these solutions to be widely adopted, it is necessary to train construction professionals and develop public policies that encourage their use. The article concludes that alternative urban drainage technologies are key to increasing the resilience of cities and preventing tragedies, promoting more sustainable urban planning adapted to climate change.

Keywords: Green infrastructure, permeable pavements, green roofs, water management, urbanization.


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How to Cite

Alves Ribeiro, A., & Coelho e Silva, R. . (2024). TECNOLOGIAS ALTERNATIVAS DE DRENAGEM URBANA PARA O CONTROLE DE INUNDAÇÕES: REVISÃO DE LITERATURA COM FOCO NA PREVENÇÃO DE TRAGÉDIAS URBANA. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 9(1). https://doi.org/10.61164/rmnm.v9i1.2834

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