
  • Nathalia Emilly Alves Mendes AlfaUnipac Teófilo Otoni
  • Dileia Jardim Gomes AlfaUnipac Teófilo Otoni
  • Emanuelle Lopes Gonçalves AlfaUnipac Teófilo Otoni
  • Mileny Viana Cruz AlfaUnipac Teófilo Otoni




Epidemiological surveillance, HIV/AIDS.


HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a retrovirus transmitted mainly through unprotected sexual intercourse, which causes AIDS, the acronym for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This disease is responsible for the deterioration of the immune system of those infected, leaving them vulnerable to other diseases. It is considered a serious illness and, until now, has no cure or vaccine.

The current scenario of the disease around the world can point to either an epidemic in some areas or a pandemic, due to the fact that the infection is present on all continents; however, by restricting the study to the northeastern region of Minas Gerais, it is possible to observe factors influencing and conditioning the increase or decrease in cases. The prevalence of cases in the region is mainly among the sexually active population, between the ages of 30 and 39; after the advance of health actions, the prevalence of AIDS has been lower than the infection by the virus, since control and treatment have been reinforced. Epidemiological surveillance, through the data collected by Sinan (Notifiable Diseases Information System), can assess both the spread of the disease and its prevalence, as well as the results of notification policies and the treatment offered. Data shows that the majority of infected people have a low level of education, from 1st to 4th grade, 5th to 8th grade and high school, with the numbers decreasing as the level of education increases.

Epidemiological surveillance is responsible for identifying, systematizing and presenting this data in order to point out preventive actions and to improve disease control and treatment.


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How to Cite

Alves Mendes, N. E., Jardim Gomes, D., Lopes Gonçalves, E., & Viana Cruz, M. . (2024). EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE OF HIV IN THE TEÓFILO OTONI REGION. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.61164/rmnm.v6i1.2494