
  • Antonio Júlio Celestino Faustino Instituto Federal de Rondônia campus Porto Velho Zona Norte
  • Aguinaldo Pereira Instituto Federal de Rondônia - IFRO




Políticas Públicas; Educação Inclusiva; Inclusão Social.


Public educational policies for social inclusion have proven essential to promote a more just and egalitarian society. Social inclusion through education requires a comprehensive and holistic approach, ranging from access to school to student permanence and success. This article has as its main objective to identify the public educational policies of social inclusion that have proven effective in promoting an accessible, equitable and quality education for all individuals. For this, this article was built based on a literary review of qualitative character, subsidized by articles, scientific journals, and other publications in the area of education, having authors such as Farias; Bezerra; Malusá, (2018); Caimi and Luz (2018); Teixeira (2019); Coelho (2020), Mendes e Reis (2021) as the main references for the construction of this article. Thus, as a result, it is believed that it is crucial that there are investments and concrete actions to fill these gaps, ensuring that these students have access to adequate resources and trained professionals. The presence of multifunctional resource rooms and specialized teachers is critical to promoting inclusion and ensuring quality and equitable education for all students, regardless of their individual needs. However, it is important to emphasize that public educational policies for social inclusion must be accompanied by monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to verify their effectiveness and make necessary adjustments. The involvement of all actors involved in the educational process – governments, educators, families, and communities – is crucial to the success of these policies. Building strong partnerships and the active participation of civil society are essential for the implementation and sustainability of social inclusion policies.


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How to Cite

Antonio Júlio Celestino Faustino, & Pereira, A. (2024). POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS EDUCACIONAIS DE INCLUSÃO SOCIAL: PUBLIC EDUCATIONAL POLICIES FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION . Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.61164/rmnm.v5i1.2462