


sustainable agriculture; modern agriculture; pest control; disease control; biocontrol.


The demand for sustainable agriculture, free from possible contaminants in food and preserving the environment, has led to a greater search for alternative products to the use of chemicals used in the production process of the most diverse foods. Furthermore, chemical products have lost efficiency with the appearance of resistance in the targets of the active ingredient, while companies are unable to meet this constant demand for new molecules. Biological products can meet this demand, as they can be used in different types of production systems in the most diverse cultures, with different technological levels. Its use is safer compared to chemicals, both for consumers of the final product, but also for producers who run less risk of contamination during the production process as they work with molecules that are less aggressive to human health. In this context, organic products have gained space in the market, with greater demand from producers, and consequently companies that produce and sell inputs have given relevance to the topic, aiming to meet this new demand. One of the most widespread products are trichoderma-based bioproducts, which have several studies that have proven their efficiency. Research companies have also placed emphasis on this new market niche, with research to improve existing products and create new formulas to meet the demand of both producing and selling companies. Despite having advanced in recent years, this market has a lot to evolve in terms of research and regulation.


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How to Cite

Pereira , M. A., & Otavio Cabral Neto. (2024). REVIEW ON THE USE OF TRICHODERMA IN AGRICULTURE. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 3(3).

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