
  • Igor do Vale Oliveira AlfaUnipac
  • Adriana Carvalho Vieira AlfaUnipac
  • Janaina Ferreira Lopes AlfaUnipac




General Data Protection Law - LGPD, Personal data. Protection.


This study addresses the importance of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) in the Brazilian context and its impact on the protection of personal data in Brazil. The main objective was to analyze the importance of the LGPD in terms of protecting people in Brazil. To this end, a bibliographical review was carried out, through consultation of books, articles and materials published and indexed in the SciELO, CAPES and Google Scholar databases. The results obtained show that the LGPD represents a significant advance in the protection of people in the country, establishing clear principles and solid requirements for the responsible treatment of information. However, the effective implementation of the law will face challenges due to the complexity of relationships between the parties involved and the lack of clarity in the application of the legislation. It is concluded that the LGPD plays a fundamental role in protecting two fundamental rights and assets of people in Brazilian cities, especially in a context of increasing digitalization. However, the full success of the law will depend on overcoming two identified challenges and actively raising awareness among citizens about the importance of protecting their people. The LGPD represents an important milestone in data protection in Brazil and highlights the need for collaboration between the public and private sectors to guarantee the security and privacy of personal information.


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How to Cite

do Vale Oliveira, I., Carvalho Vieira, A., & Ferreira Lopes, J. (2024). A IMPORTÂNCIA DA LEI Nº 13.709/2018 E A PROTEÇÃO DE DADOS PESSOAIS NO BRASIL. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 3(3). https://doi.org/10.61164/rmnm.v3i3.2175

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