
  • Igor do Vale Oliveira AlfaUnipac
  • Thaís Franca Silva AlfaUnipac
  • Tamyres Soares Esteves AlfaUnipac



Assédio Moral, Surgimento, Consequências


Bullying encompasses a series of abusive behaviors that, if repeated, can result in the violation of an individual's physical or mental well-being, leading to the deterioration of the work environment. This form of harassment can manifest itself in both vertical and horizontal relationships. In the vertical form, there is a power dynamic where competition, fear and the dismantling of authority between superiors and subordinates prevail. In the horizontal form, it occurs between individuals in the same hierarchy, characterized by pressure to be productive, maintain quality and reduce costs. It is a form of humiliation that permeates daily interactions between the majority considered least productive and the most productive. The objective of this academic article is to elucidate the concept of moral harassment and discrimination in the workplace, highlighting its importance in the legal sphere. This analysis focuses on the increase in bullying in workplaces and investigates the harmful effects, both physical and psychological, experienced by individuals subject to aggressive behavior. Furthermore, it explores the actions taken by legislators in Brazil to protect workers from such illicit and unethical conduct, specifically moral harassment. The text concludes by highlighting the repercussions faced by those who engage in unethical behavior in the workplace and emphasizes the existence of Law 14,612, enacted in 2023, which explicitly addresses the issue of moral harassment within the legal framework.


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How to Cite

do Vale Oliveira, I., Franca Silva, T., & Soares Esteves, T. (2024). MORAL HARASSMENT AND DISCRIMINATION IN THE WORKPLACE. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 3(3).

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