
  • Karine Rodrigues da Silva Neumann Universidade Presidente Antônio Carlos
  • Elizete Neves Zimmerer Universidade Presidente Antônio Carlos
  • Marquele Ramalho dos Santos Universidade Presidente Antônio Carlos
  • Sandy Froeder Leite Universidade Presidente Antônio Carlos




Obesidade; Semaglutida; Medicamentos; Diabetes Mellitus


To treat obesity, the use of specific medications can be considered. Of course, the use of medication must be combined with diet and physical activity. Taking medication can help obese people achieve better results. In this case, there is a medicine called Ozempic, derived from semaglutide, used to treat type II diabetes and aid in weight loss. The objective of these studies was the effects of using Ozempic as an aid in weight loss for people with obesity. Through systematic analysis, different studies in scientific articles were investigated. The article established inclusion criteria, such as keywords, publication language and presence on one of the pre-selected platforms (Scielo, PubMed, Google Scholar and Repositorio Alfa Unipac), as well as exclusion criteria, such as incomplete studies, outside the topic of the study, and without a clear methodology and outcome. Lastly, it was noted that although Ozempic was originally intended to treat patients with type 2 diabetes, it has shown promising results for overweight individuals looking to lose weight. Use of the medication requires careful guidance from a pharmacist and a qualified healthcare professional as it may potentially affect other bodily functions. Therefore, the involvement of a multidisciplinary team, especially a pharmaceutical specialist, is extremely important to guide patients about the risks associated with the random use of medication and to make pharmacotherapy effective..



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How to Cite

Karine Rodrigues da Silva Neumann, Elizete Neves Zimmerer, Marquele Ramalho dos Santos, & Sandy Froeder Leite. (2023). EFEITOS DO USO DO OZEMPIC (SEMAGLUTIDA) NO TRATAMENTO DA OBESIDADE. Revista Multidisciplinar Do Nordeste Mineiro, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.61164/rmnm.v13i1.1849